Σάββατο 31 Μαρτίου 2018

Missing You | Dimples

I missed you. Like significantly. I missed your smell, your steps, your eyes, your smile, my crave to see you and my excuses to come to talk to you. I spent hours daydreaming about you and your smooth caramel skin, your soft neck, your fingers. You're a little naughty mouse I'm struggling to catch. It's so annoying to know that you probably don't even care about me. Ugh I'm so stupid, why do I even like you? Seriously. Why? It's ridiculous. Probably it will just go away, another bad decision I guess. Do I miss being with someone and forced myself to like you? Was it your attention or the lack of it? I'm so confused. I had it all figured out, I wasn't supposed to like you. I fell in love in the past for the wrong reasons and wouldn't like to do it again. But damn I think I have. Maybe when I see you again I'll change my mind. Apparently your lack of responses, your NOs to my invitations and your distant behavior are not enough. It's just stupid that I'm thinking about you. I'll get over it that's fine. But sometimes it's so nice to think about you and all the possibilities. I still get so happy when we talk. You know, I imagine you're very gentle and passionate and caring and romantic. In reality you might be cold, with inferiority complex, a hypocrite and a liar. Trust issues alert. How does your kiss feel like? Do you like kissing on the neck? Giving a tight hug and awkward looks? Being both hesitant and reserved to kiss after a long stare with your mystical gaze? Whispering honestly how you feel? Feeling embarrassed for your erection and trying cutely to cover it up before I feel or see it? Do you like sensitive girls that cry easily? Do you like sleeping in a tight hug until late in the morning and spending the next day together? Does your life have room for a close bond? Do you kiss on the forehead and do little things for the one you love? Do you always try to hurt someone or to come off as better? Do you use others or judge them? Do you like holding hands? Do you like long walks and goodnight messages full of love? Are you open minded? Can I trust you with who I am and be loved for that? Will you feel like home to me? How long before this is just a misinterpretation of who you really are! Can I love you for who you really are? Damn I really want to touch you. Hope you eat well, you don't get wet and they take good care of you.

​I still remember your teary eyes. So fucking adorable. ​

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